Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Does Watermelon Make Your Penis Bigger

Does watermelon make your penis bigger? Read on to find out the truth...

Scientists have discovered that watermelon can produce effects similar to Viagra. So many people enjoy watermelon. It is a delicious summer fruit that finds itself being eaten at many a barbecue. Chilled and then sliced, watermelon is easy to pass around. But now, there may be more benefits to that slice of watermelon you are holding in your hands than previously thought.

Watermelon contains citrullin. Citrulline triggers production of a substance that can help relax a person's blood vessels, which is similar to the effect that happens when men take Viagra. Citrulline is found in the rind of the watermelon and reacts with a person's enzymes when ingested in large quantities. It is then changed into arginine inside the body. Arginine is an amino acid good for helping the heart, circulatory and immune systems. It appears to have very little negative side effects.

Citrulline can be found in all varieties of watermelon, but it is found in the highest quantities in yellow-fleshed type watermelons.

There is a caveat though: A person would need to consume about six cups of watermelon to get the necessary effects of boosting one's arginine level. That is far more watermelon then the average person consumes at one sitting. But scientists want to synthesize citrullin into a far easier method of delivery such as pills, with the hopes of one day providing a safer alternative to drugs such as Viagra. They would also like to reduce the sugar content that is in watermelon if synthesized into pill form, as too much sugar can outweigh the positive benefit that citrulline provides.

Citrulline is found in other fruits such as cantaloupe, but the level at which it is present is far lower than watermelon. One day, Citrulline might be easier to take than now, but for the current time, maybe men should try eating more watermelon. Who knew that watermelon might just spice up your love life?

Yes, you can make your penis bigger: Watermelon Makes Your Penis Bigger